
Hello, world!

  Hi! I'm Leah, and these are my two horses, Pyro (left) and Missy (right). As a fledgling blogger, I plan to share our adventures, mish...

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

A Quiet Week

The past week has been relatively quiet. We had a break in the winter weather that both the horses and I have been enjoying, but I haven't felt up to working with them. My whiplash from falling on the ice is almost completely resolved, and I'm slowly getting back to where I was prior to that. It has been a routine of getting through the work day and vestibular therapy, mucking stalls, grooming if I have the energy, sleeping as much as possible, rinse, repeat. While it's not exciting, I appreciate the quiet moments spent grooming them loose in their stalls (and with the mud, there's plenty of grooming to do).

 My pasture queen

Pyro looking well despite the lack of work

Photo evidence of their relative cleanliness before their first day blanketless in a loooong time

Retirement looks good on you, Miss

It was so warm last night (high of 65F!) that Missy was sweating in her stall.

Bonus: a fluffy idiot I recently added to my flock at home