
Hello, world!

  Hi! I'm Leah, and these are my two horses, Pyro (left) and Missy (right). As a fledgling blogger, I plan to share our adventures, mish...

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Photo Dump: Hints of Spring (yes, there are baby bunnies included)

No major updates, so here's a few random photos/notes from the past week. Spring might be trying to make an appearance, and the ponies' shedding definitely says the days are getting longer!

#twinning with the Pinto Party

Tessa played in the last of the snow with her best friends.

Pyro got a new treat dispensing toy that is.. um.. a bit phallic. He gets a lot of enjoyment out of rolling that thing around, and it's worth it to me to deal with the aftermath of a messy stall to make sure he's not a Demon Baby of Boredom.

He enjoys his new hanging toy too, but I need to suspend it away from the wall if I'm going to give him anything other than a salt spool in it. He figured out quickly how to pin it against the wall and BITE chunks off the sweeter treat spools. He can finish one of those overnight.😬  

Meanwhile, Missy will pull hay from her new ball, but won't lower herself to licking the molasses-flavored spool, even though she LOVES molasses. She's far too serious for that type of play.

Both horses are shedding, and Missy "snows" in her stall daily as I try to keep the itching to a minimum. I'm fully entrenched in "come home from the stable looking like a yeti" season.

How is there hair on the OUTSIDE of Pyro's blanket?

His first day blanket-less, someone bit Pyro in the flank, because OF COURSE they did. (He likely asked for it.) It was ouchy for a day, but he's back to full shenanigans already. 

Both horses had a bit of a long trim cycle while I have been recovering, but I was finally up to getting them trimmed and Missy's glue-ons reset last night. I'm happy to report that even at 7 weeks with thick mud, every tab was still holding solidly. Missy feels MUCH better with balance restored to her arthritic joints.

On the topic of full shenanigans, I tried a Busy Buddy for Pyro for the first time while trimming him. I think the side-eye says it all. (He didn't try to mouth me though.)

Tessa staring right at my soul.

As promised, some slightly less naked baby bunnies. 

This Rex kit is a chinchilla, the color I prefer.

Nosies and toesies

Some are a little more offended by my daily nest checks than others.


  1. Bunnies! <3 That toy,, I want one for the boys paddock just for the neighbour gossip that I know would ensue.

    1. Lol! I can imagine the pearl clutching that might happen when they see your cob boys rolling around the Jolly Green Giant's willie. 🤣 I'm sure the boys would have a blast!

  2. OMG those baby bunnies!! Too funny Missy won't lick the treat 😂

    1. Right?! The girl has some pretty high standards.

  3. Omgggg those sweet little buns!!! I luff them <3 also amazed at how much snow y’all still have on the ground - hopefully it disappears asap!!

    1. Oh! It is gone now! Those snowy pics were from last Thursday, but we had 65 degree weather yesterday! I was out in a t-shirt??!

  4. This post should be used to advertise the glue ons :) Love it!

    1. While they have a steep learning curve and take a while to apply with the proper hoof prep/curing time, they have made a big difference in Missy's comfort over steel shoes. I'm happy to keep devoting my time to applying them.
