Perfect date

 Wednesday was perfect. Low 70's, clear skies, light breeze... and NO BUGS.

The cherry on top was that my brain was operating at about 90% of normal, so I felt well enough for some gentle pony time! *cue dance party... in sunglasses*

While I was definitely tempted to do more, Missy and I hacked around the farm at an active walk for 20 minutes. The golden hour light was perfect, and it was glorious to spend time on the back of my dependable dragon-mare. 

This is my happy place

She LOVES going for a hack and is always alert, but steady, even when noisy flatbed trailers go rattling by to pick up manure.

I adore her white eyelashes to no end.

Striding out confidently on gravel in her EasyShoes

#blessed even if I was clearly sitting crooked. Thanks for putting up with me, Miss.

I lucked into being at the stable for our friend Mary's weekly visit to get her fix of pony time/assist in Disco's jumping education. 

Make it WEIRD

I still had enough gas in the tank to send Pyro through the free jumping chute once Disco had his turn (with the help of Mary and Jen, rail setter and videographer respectively). I'm so glad, because Pyro clearly had the MOST FUN. 

Just look at that expression!

Toes to elbows

He's just SO DANG CUTE.

He clearly understood the game and was happy to play it, even when there were footwork mishaps.




Since we were playing with having them jump things that looked weird (rather than maxing out scope), we worked toward him jumping over the inflatable balls (because why not 🤷‍♀️). The first time we put them in front of the rail, he went WHAT THE HECK?! But after a look and lowering the bar to build his confidence, he clearly understood the ask. 

Mary's comment was that he's not a dirty stopper. He telegraphs from a mile away that he's worried.

Jen: "I told you it was 60/40!" (Probability that he would stop and play with the ball versus just jump it.) 

Pyro: "Oh, okay, Mom's just doing weird shit again, and this is also something I jump now."

Looking very tidy and careful

He really seems to enjoy it!

Success! 🚀

I spy uphill movement

He simply looked confident in his body and what was being asked.

To cool down, he tagged along as I helped deconstruct the chute, which spurred talk of making him a sled to help drag jumps around the arena for us. I may have to set my engineer husband, Malhon, to work on that idea. To end the night with shenanigans, Mary rode Connor bareback, in a halter, BACKWARDS. 

Mary thanking Connor for being the best boy and not dumping her. Jen and I CACKLED from the sidelines as she was fighting for her life when he took off cantering. 

To make the day even sweeter, my cognitive stamina never bottomed out, so I got to ENJOY a whole evening of my ponies, incredible weather, and camaraderie/shenanigans with my friends. Perfect.


  1. Pyro looks so happy over those jumps! Good boy!!

    1. He has come SUCH a long way in his confidence over jumps. I'm so grateful he seems to enjoy it!

  2. Pyro very much has a "whee!" expression -so great!


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